
泌尿生殖器的 受伤


在急诊室看到的所有伤害中,约有10%涉及泌尿生殖系统, 包括肾脏, 膀胱, 生殖器, 输尿管和尿道.

在UCSF医疗中心, 我们采用先进的重建外科技术来纠正各种损伤和异常的男性生殖泌尿道. We specialize in the management and treatment of the following:

  • 尿道狭窄和梗阻, which cause voiding problems related to the normal passage of urine and semen. 我们的病人在尿道重建手术后正常排尿的成功率很高.
  • 外伤性生殖器损伤或因感染或其他原因导致生殖器皮肤脱落的患者的生殖器重建.
  • 肾、输尿管、膀胱、阴囊/睾丸及阴茎外伤的处理.
  • 我们的项目由十大赌博平台排行榜知名的泌尿生殖创伤和生殖尿道重建领域的专家团队领导.


    加州大学旧金山分校在泌尿科护理方面处于全国领先地位, including treatment for injuries to the kidneys, 膀胱, 生殖器, 输尿管(将尿液从每个肾脏输送到膀胱的管道)和尿道(允许膀胱排出尿液的管道). We are committed to providing innovative, highly skilled care with compassion.

    Treatment of genitourinary injuries can be complex. The best approach depends on a number of factors, 包括类型, location and severity of the injury; the patient's health; and whether the patient has other injuries. 对于那些需要重建手术的人, 我们的外科十大赌博平台排行榜在微创技术和保留功能和美容外观的最新方法方面具有专业知识.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

Symptoms of genitourinary injury differ depending on the location of the trauma. 但是,一些常见症状可能包括:

  • Hematuria, a condition in which blood is present in the urine
  • 无法排尿
  • 下肋骨骨折
  • 骨盆骨折
  • Pain and/or bruising involving a person's side, groin or scrotum


Many injuries to the genitourinary tract are subtle and difficult to diagnose. 因此, 早期诊断和出色的诊断专业知识对于预防严重并发症至关重要.

你的十大赌博平台排行榜会从详细的病史开始,以确定你是否经历过任何事件, 比如意外或跌倒, that may have injured your genitourinary tract. 然后进行身体检查以检查与泌尿生殖系统损伤有关的任何症状.


  • 导管插入术. Urinary catheters are tubes placed into the 膀胱 to drain the urine. 导管插入术 will not be performed if there is blood at the opening of the urethra, 这是尿道受伤的迹象.
  • 腹部计算机断层扫描(CT). A 计算机断层扫描 扫描使用x射线产生人体内部结构的详细图像,如腹部. An abdominal CT scan is used to help identify injuries to the kidneys.
  • 逆行性膀胱造影术. 在这 测试, contrast dye is injected into the 膀胱 through the urethra. 然后对膀胱进行x光检查,这有助于确定膀胱的损伤.
  • 造影. 该检查包括对尿道进行x光检查,以确定该区域的任何损伤或阻塞.
  • 动脉造影术. 动脉造影术 包括对血管进行x光检查. 在拍x光之前, 一种染料被注射到周围的动脉中,这样在x射线上就能看到血管. 在怀疑泌尿生殖系统损伤的情况下, 动脉造影在检查肾脏血管以检查该区域是否有损伤时很有用.
  • 静脉尿路造影术.测试 involves taking an X-ray of the urinary tract. 在拍x光之前, a dye is injected to make urine visible on the X-ray, which shows any blockages in the urinary tract or problems with the kidneys.


泌尿生殖系统损伤的治疗可能是复杂的,取决于许多因素, 包括严重程度, 受伤的位置和类型, the patient's health and whether the patient has any other injuries.

受伤 are classified as either blunt or penetrating. 钝性创伤包括车祸、跨骑伤、严重跌倒和工业事故. 穿透性创伤包括枪伤.


Once your doctor has diagnosed and assessed your injury, 在制定明确的治疗计划之前,可以进行短期治疗. 短期管理包括:

  • 尿道导管. A tube is placed into the 膀胱 through the urethra to drain urine.
  • 耻骨弓上的导管. A tube is placed through the abdominal wall into the 膀胱 to drain urine.
  • 肾造口术管. 一根管子穿过病人的侧面,直接从肾脏排出尿液.
  • 输尿管支架. A temporary tube is placed through the ureter to connect the kidney to the 膀胱.


Treatment for kidney injuries depends on the type and severity of the injury, and whether the patient has any other injuries.

  • 生硬的伤害. 在85%的情况下, 肾脏的损伤很轻微, caused by a blunt trauma and do not require surgery. Treatment aims to stop any bleeding from the kidney. 住院, 卧床休息和补水是必需的,直到肾出血停止和尿清为止.
  • 穿透性损伤. Surgery is more likely for penetrating injuries, 比如枪伤造成的, which can cause serious bleeding from the kidney. 患者也可能严重损伤腹部的其他部位,如肠道和肝脏. 在这些情况下, 肾脏的手术探查和修复可与其他损伤部位的手术同时进行. Surgery aims to repair and preserve the injured kidneys. 然而,如果肾脏严重受损且无法修复,则可能需要手术切除.


输尿管——连接肾脏和膀胱的管道——的损伤是罕见的,通常发生在困难的骨盆手术过程中或枪伤中. Treatment depends on the type and severity of injury.

  • 完整的破坏. 输尿管损伤 that cause complete disruption, meaning that the ureter is torn into two pieces, 需要紧急手术修复. The best outcome for surgical repair is prompt treatment at the time of injury.
  • 局部损伤. 部分输尿管损伤, such as those that occur during a pelvic operation, 通常可以通过输尿管支架治疗. 输尿管支架是细管, 称为导管, which are inserted into parts of the ureter that carry urine, 由肾脏产生, 要么进入膀胱, 或者外部的收集系统. 输尿管支架ing may be placed on a long-term basis, 从几个月到几年不等, 绕过输尿管梗阻. 短期的支架, 从几周到几个月不等, 是否可以在开放的泌尿道手术过程中放置,以提供一个可以愈合的霉菌, or to divert the urinary flow away from areas of leakage.


膀胱损伤 are most often caused by an accident, 比如车祸, serious fall or a heavy object falling on the lower abdomen. 治疗取决于受伤的类型.

  • 挫伤受伤. In these types of injuries, the 膀胱 wall is only bruised and does not rupture. Contusion injuries can be managed with a urethral catheter, which is a tube inserted into the 膀胱 through the urethra, 这样血凝块就会通过. Once the urine is clear and the patient stable, the catheter can be removed.
  • Extraperitoneal破裂. These types of injuries can be managed with a urethral catheter, which is a tube inserted into the 膀胱 through the urethra, 保持膀胱空,让尿液和血液排出到收集袋中. In most instances, a patient will heal within 10 days. 然而, 膀胱内的大血块或膀胱颈部的损伤需要手术修复.
  • 腹腔内破裂. 这些破裂需要手术修复,以防止尿液渗漏到腹部. 修复是通过在腹部做一个切口,然后缝合裂口来完成的. A catheter is left in the 膀胱 for a few days to rest the 膀胱 after surgery.
  • 穿透性损伤. 穿透性损伤通常需要手术修复膀胱上的任何孔洞. In most instances, surrounding organs are injured and also require repair. A catheter is left in the 膀胱 to drain the urine and blood as described above.


尿道损伤的管理和治疗可能是复杂的,取决于损伤的严重程度和位置, the patient's health and whether any other injuries are present. 在某些情况下,建议紧急手术修复,但应仅限于选定的病例. 一般来说, 初次耻骨上膀胱造口术, which involves placing a catheter in the 膀胱 through the lower abdomen, 最安全、最简单的选择是什么.

For more information, please see the complete section on 尿道损伤.


阴茎损伤可能以多种方式发生. 例如, 阴茎骨折可能发生在性交过程中,通常通过手术修复. 在其他情况下, 在阴茎底部放置阻塞环可能会导致坏疽和尿道损伤. The obstructing objects can be removed without further damage. 除了, machinery accidents may cause damage to penile skin, 哪些可以通过植皮修复.

阴茎受伤 often occur with 尿道损伤. 因此, 在诊断阴茎损伤时, 尿道造影——一种对尿道进行x光检查的方法——将用于确定该区域的任何损伤或阻塞.


睾丸损伤 often occur due to a traumatic blow to the groin or scrotum, 哪一种会引起剧烈疼痛, 恶心想吐, 呕吐,在某些情况下, 下腹部压痛. 在这些情况下,a 睾丸超声波 这是一种非侵入性测试,使用高频声波来产生睾丸和阴囊内其他部位的图像,通常用于评估睾丸可能受到的损害. If a 测试icular fracture is diagnosed, surgical exploration and repair is required.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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